Guinness Overflow
Guinness Overflow
A close-up shot of an overflowing
Guinness bottle taken for my
senior show in college in 2004
Sammy Overflow
Sammy Overflow
An overflowing stein of
Sammy Adams shot for my
senior show in college in 2004
Becks Lineup
Becks Lineup
An altered lineup of
Becks bottles shot for my
senior show in college in 2004
Grand Teton Mirror
Grand Teton Mirror
This shot was taken on
my two week vacation to
Yellowstone National Park (June 2014)
Grand Teton Flowers
Grand Teton Flowers
This shot was taken on
my two week vacation to
Yellowstone National Park (June 2014)
Midway Geyser Basin
Midway Geyser Basin
This shot was taken on
my two week vacation to
Yellowstone National Park (June 2014)
West Tumb Sunset
West Thumb Sunset
This shot was taken on
my two week vacation to
Yellowstone National Park (June 2014)
West Thumb Sunset
Midway Geyser Basin Detail
Midway Geyser Basin Detail
This shot was taken on
my two week vacation to
Yellowstone National Park (June 2014)
Rock Wall
Rock Wall
This shot was taken on
my two week vacation to
Yellowstone National Park (June 2014)
Aboriginal Art
Aboriginal Art
This shot was taken in 2002 in
Queensland Australia at a place known
as Canarvon National Park
Burning Palms
Burning palms
This shot was taken in 2002 in
Queensland Australia at a place known as
Canarvon National Park during a controlled burn
A macro shot of some decrepit chains
shot behind my old Building at
Argonne National laboratory - 2008

Ben Kress

Web Designer/Developer, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Video Services

Welcome! You have found your one-stop source for Flash based web applications, HTML/CSS3 based web sites and applications, Graphic Design solutions, Photography, and Video Solutions. I have been involved in these three areas of design for nearly fifteen years now and have built a steadily growing client base around my skills and have begun the challenge of showing the world what I am capable of.

To start navigating the site please use the Drop-Down buttons above, for there is no other way to view the content in each section. On this site, you will find information about me and my company as well as several examples of the work that I have done in the past and present years. If you or your company are interested in having work done, you can use the Contact Form to get in touch with me.

Thank you for your interest in Ben Kress Design!


I have a strong base in Web Design, including Flash animation/actionscripting/object oriented programming, .html(5-)/.css(3-) hand coding, and PHP/ASP/Javascript/jQuery/XML progamming.

I can develop in-depth web applications such as calendars, reporting tools, training programs, video players, custom animations, etc. I also can create animations for additional purposes such as an interactive presentations for a client, or simply a promotional advertisement piece for you or your company. I can also develop other forms of media such as video, brochures, advertisements, banners, logos, letterheads, business cards, outdoor boards, and other printable projects. Ben Kress Design also has a strong hold on 3D design/rendering. I can take 2D logos and transform them into 3D as well as animate in a 3D environment.

I also have a good background in both Digital and 35mm Photography in both black and white as well as color as well as Videography Shooting/Directing/Editing services. I can also provide portfolio work for modeling or simple promotional videos for you or your company. For clients who have specific photos/video that they already own or have rights to, scanning/conversions services will be provided.


In 2004, I graduated from Millikin University in Decatur, Illinois in study of Graphic Design/Commercial Art and Photography. Upon graduation, I decided to focus all of my efforts towards Flash based web development which is what landed me my job at Argonne. Eventually, my goal is to work for an advertising agency to gain some more experience in the field and then break off and eventually start my own design firm.

On a lighter note, I was born and raised in Decatur, Illinois and have lived there all of my life until April of 2005 when I started working for Argonne. I am currently 33 years old, and was born on June 23, 1982. I have always wanted to work in the design field, but never knew which area I wanted to involve myself in. It wasn't until I discovered Flash in college that directed my focus towards interactive design and web development. I love to see my work in action which will help me always maintain an active interest in the work that I do. Generally, if it can't be done in Flash, then I am not involved with it...

However, since Adobe's takeover of the Flash platform, things have begun to change for me. As mobile devices become more powerful and more used in everyday life, I have begun to shift my focus into full HTML 5 development to jump start what lies ahead in the future. As we all know, Flash is not widely supported by anything other than desktop browsers, so in order to be a full blown web developer I must explore all of my options moving forward and put flash on the shelf as a trophy of my accomplishments. Beyond simple flash animations and effects, I will not be pursuing Flash technologies any further (as much as it pains me to say).

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